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Inner love, outer love: healing ourselves and our planet

Inner love, outer love. As within, so without. As the soul, so the universe. This is my guiding message. Whenever I catch myself worrying about the plight of the world and what I can do about it, I think of these words. I know that it is a sign for me to go within and meditate to find the answers. To find peace within the chaos, the healing sanctuary of my soul, a place to transcend the apparent duality of life and embrace oneness. It is a sign for me to slow down, become aware of my breath, calm my mind. Expand the space between thoughts and find stillness in motion, the eye of the hurricane. Only from this place can I truly open my heart and connect with the spiritual wisdom I find there. Only then can I find my inner power, my own guiding light.

For to nurture and heal the planet, I first need to nurture and heal myself. The world is my reflection, so whatever I heal within me ripples out to the cosmos. Only self-love has the power to heal the dark places within me, the shadowy rejected parts of myself that need integrating so I can feel whole. Only when I love myself unconditionally like this can I spread unconditional love to the world. When Gaia asks for planetary healing, this is what she is urging us to do. For in knowing that we are one, we heal her when we heal ourselves. When I heal myself, I automatically raise my consciousness, and this raises the collective consciousness of the planet.

A rising tide lifts all ships. The ripple effect is real. Our own enlightenment is by far the greatest gift we can give Gaia. Gandhi had it right, we just need to be the change we want to see in the world. When we embody the light, we become a lighthouse.

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