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Hi, I'm Andrea Revell, coach  and author of books & blogs on mind-body-spirit health and sustainable living. Find out about my latest book, THE RIPPLE EFFECTencouraging joined-up thinking on how to heal ourselves and our planet. Together, let's be the rising tide that lifts all ships.
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Release date: Nov 23, 2024
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Why is it that a billion people in the world are obese, and one in three people suffer from multiple chronic conditions? How are our struggling healthcare systems linked to the climate crisis, or the growing gap between rich and poor? Is our diet cooking the planet? Can we prevent cancer by walking  in the woods, rewire our brains by meditating, or lengthen our lives simply by sleeping in? 

The Ripple Effect is a timely and sweeping exploration of the explosion of chronic disease and obesity across the globe and its links with climate change, social polarization and our spiritual disconnect with the web of life. Pairing the latest research on lifestyle medicine and sustainability, this is an inspiring manifesto on a ‘systems view of health’, outlining how simple changes such as eating better, sleeping smarter, stressing less and rekindling our spiritual bond with nature can cause a big splash that transforms the world. This is for anyone who wants to join the dots between mind, body and spirit, between our own health and the Earth’s health, so that together we can heal ourselves and our planet. 


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I am a visionary thought leader, philosopher and scholar. Previously an academic at universities in the UK and Asia, I have lived and travelled all over the world researching and teaching on sustainability and spirituality, encouraging systemic solutions to our planetary health problems. Using integrative medicine to successfully resolve an autoimmune condition I had for many  years, I trained in various alternative healing modalities and am now a internationally certified spiritual life coach, unlocking people’s potential with the power of mind body spirit healing. I have a PhD in environmental ethics and am a lover of Eastern philosophy, inspired by my years of living in India and Japan. I have a regular meditation practice and love to explore all things metaphysical. Having grown up in New Zealand and South Africa, I now live in the UK with my husband and two children. 


The Ripple Effect is one of the most important books for optimising the human experience. This is a clear and detailed guide of where we have gone wrong and how we can go right with living healthily and harmoniously on the planet. For anyone who cares about our world, its a must read.


Founder of ZEN Academy &

Bestselling Author of


Once we understand the deep implications of the truism that 'we are all microcosms of the macrocosm' then we can begin the process of healing ourselves and the Earth. In  her timely new book, The Ripple Effect, Dr Andrea Revell explains how through systems thinking, we can relinquish the 'illusion of separation' and recognise that we can each play a creative role in this vitally important regenerative undertaking


Publisher & Author of


The Ripple Effect is a breath of remarkably fresh air. Andrea shifts the paradigm from the treatment of illness to the pursuit of good  health, and in doing so unfolds the connections between our personal health and our social interactions, the state of our planet and our search for meaning and purpose.


Systems thinker





Spiritual Life Coaching

I am an internationally certified spiritual life coach, helping people discover their true potential in life. I also have over 20 years of experience in holistic health to help you eat better, sleep smarter, move more and RELAX so deeply that your nervous system becomes a 'chill out' system. Taking a spiritual deep dive we can do archetypal coaching to discover your unique gifts and talents, soul path, LIFE PURPOSE and greatest potential so that you live from the heart, expressing yourself authentically and realising your dreams. Together, we will shatter limiting beliefs, release feelings of inadequacy or 'not-enoughness' and create positive mindsets that transform, heal and empower. Transcendent health. abundance, authentic relationships and a deep sense of spiritual connection and self-worth results, so that inner peace and contentment becomes your natural default state. As you connect with your own SACRED NATURE, so you connect with the Earth's sacred nature, inspiring others to do the same. From the seed to the mighty Oak, let's work together to step into your GREATNESS! 


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World of Enlighten

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